The Loop’s founder and executive editor, Jim Dalrymple and Peter Cohen respectively, are both incessant blabbermouths who use whatever opportunity they can to share their opinions on areas of interest. If you’re interested in hearing our jibber-jabber, you’re more than welcome to download one or all of the podcasts on which we’re featured.
[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]Jim is a regular guest on Shawn King’s long-running and eminently popular podcast Your Mac Life. Shawn features Jim each week along with a guest list of Internet luminaries.
Peter is one third of the triumvirate of evil that makes up Angry Mac Bastards. Each week, Peter, John C. Welch and Darby Lines find the most execrable analysis and news in the Apple blogosphere and pick it apart. Be warned, Angry Mac Bastards “works blue” – the language is R-rated at best, and usually NC-17. If you’re interested in hearing Jim Dalrymple’s guitar work, make sure to listen to Angry Mac Bastards’ opening theme music.
This week, Peter also made a guest appearance on Chuck Joiner’s The MacJury podcast to discuss holiday gifts. He was featured along with Tonya Engst, Katie Floyd, Ted Landau, Maria Langer, Tim Robertson, Dan Wood.
Peter is also the guest podcaster for this week’s Macgasm podcasts, alongside Macgasm’s Joshua Schnell and Grant Brünner. Macgasm recorded five podcasts with Peter covering a range of topics. As of this writing, the first one, episode 341, is ready for download.
Finally, Peter was the guest host this week on iGame Radio with Omaha Sternberg. Topics included Mac OS X 10.6.5 and iOS 4.2, the release of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Apple’s App Store Essentials: Hall of Fame and much more.