Steve Jobs is leading Apple’s shareholder meeting being held today at the company’s Cupertino, Calif. headquarters.
Although press are not allowed to report live from the event, word is leaking out about what’s going on. Fortune is posting information from someone at the meeting, but did not say who.The good news from the meeting so far is that Jobs “looks good.” The person also said that “Steve is as feisty as ever (suggesting that questioners come to an actual question) and in good humor!”
Having been to several shareholder meetings over the years, I know exactly what they are talking about. Steve is quite funny at the shareholder meetings, almost entertaining them. It’s good to see he’s feeling good enough to do it again.
Take this as an example:
“In response to more environmentalists’ Qs, Jobs is very cogently and passionately defending Apple’s environmental record. Another shareholder then asked a longwinded Q about what Apple/Jobs fears. ‘What keeps you awake at night?’ … Jobs deadpans: ‘Shareholders meetings.’ Audience erupts in laughter”
There is not a lot happening so far. Of course, environmental groups are after Apple to be even greener and one shareholder wants more women on the board. Apple introduced Avon CEO, Andrea Jung, at the meeting today.