PopCap Games has announced the release of Plants vs. Zombies for iPhone and iPod touch, a comical game based on a popular casual title for the Mac and PC. It costs $2.99.
It’s the zombie apocalypse, and you have to defend your home against the shambling hordes of the undead who want nothing more than to feast on your brains. You have at your defense special plants that can repel, eat or just outright destroy the zombies. It’s a goofy take on a macabre idea, and it’s as every bit cartoonish and funny as you can imagine.
Plants vs. Zombies for iPhone includes the Adventure mode found in the original game, along with a new Quick Play Arena which lets you replay the 50 levels you unlock in the Adventure mode. You’ll be able to power up using Crazy Dave, who will sell you new plants and other tools, and you can track your progress using an almanac.