Market analysis firm comScore reports that the iPhone is the U.S.’s top touchscreen device, with almost 33 percent of the market. “It’s clear that consumers are embracing touchscreen interfaces that allow them to easily navigate the increasingly powerful and complex services afforded by new phones,” said comScore senior VP of mobile Mark Donovan. He said that he expects the trend to continue, especially as more phones based around Google’s Android platform hit the market.
Apple’s 32.9 percent marketshare totally eclipses that of its closest rival, LG, which has about 8.7 percent of the market thanks to its Dare handset (available through Verizon Wireless). LG’s Voyager phone comes in third place with 7.8 percent while Blackberry, Palm Samsung and other companies trail behind.
Donovan credits the iPhone as having “clearly set the trend in the industry for touchscreen devices,” but warned that the market is heating up with more competition.
(Thanks to Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech blog for originally reporting this.)